Book launches "Teaching Sustainable Development: Ethical and Political Challenges"
On 13 and 14 November 2019, SEDwise organised a series of lectures and workshops to launch the book "Sustainable Development Teaching: Ethical and Political Challenges". The book aims to support and inspire teachers to cope with the specificity of sustainability issues and, in particular, with the teaching challenges related to the ethical and political dimension of environmental and sustainability education. Download this flyer to order the book with a 20% discount.
The content of the book was presented and discussed with Ghent University teachers in the context of the learning network 'Sustainable development in my course' (find the programme here). We also collaborated with the Flemish government's Department of Environment on a book launch for teacher trainers, teachers, NGO staff, etc. (find the programme here).
More than 100 teachers and (in-service/pre-service) teacher trainers attended the events and got inspired by the following lectures and workshops:
- Introduction: Aims and focus of the book (Katrien Van Poeck)
- Principles for sustainability teaching (Leif Östman)
- Different traditions in environmental and sustainability education (Johan Öhman)
- Sustainable development teaching in view of qualification, socialisation and person formation (Katrien Van Poeck)
- Transactional theory of sustainable development teaching and learning (Leif Östman)
- Sustainability and wicked sustainability problems (Thomas Block & Erik Paredis)
- Classroom discussions on sustainability issues (Johan Öhman)
- Teacher moves: Political moves (Katrien Van Poeck & Leif Östman)
- Teacher moves: Ethical moves (Katrien Van Poeck, Leif Östman & Johan Öhman)
- Political emotions in the classroom (Ásgeir Tryggvason)
- Values clarification exercises and Forum Play (Pernilla Andersson)
programme book launch UGent.pdf
programma boekvoorstelling ism Vlaamse overheid.pdf
Lecture1_Introduction_Aims and focus of the book_Van Poeck.pdf
Lecture2_Principles for sustainable development teaching_Östman.pdf
Lecture3_Different teaching traditions in environmental and sustainability education_Öhman.pdf
Lecture4_Sustainable development teaching in view of qualification, socialisation & person-formation_Van Poeck.pdf
Lecture5_Transactional theory of sustainability teaching and learning_Östman.pdf
Workshop 1A_Sustainability and wicked sustainability problems_Block & Paredis.pptx [Read-Only].pdf
Workshop 1B_Classroom discussions on sustainability issues_Öhman.pdf
Workshop 1C_Political moves_Van Poeck & Östman.pdf
Workshop 2A_Ethical moves_Van Poeck & Östman & Öhman.pdf
Workshop 2B_Political Emotions in the Classroom_Tryggvason.pdf
Workshop 2C_Values Clarication Exercises and Forum Play_Andersson.pdf
flyer_book_sustainable development teaching.pdf