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Summer school ‘Doctoral studies in environmental and sustainability education: contextualizing the process’

From 2nd-5th August 2017, a doctoral summer school for sustainability education researchers took place at Homerton College, the University of Cambridge. The course was organised by SEDwise partner Elsa Lee and several network members contributed to it as lecturers, tutors, chairs and discussants. Marcia McKenzie gave a keynote presentation about ‘Future trends in EE/ESD/ESE Research: where to from here?’. Leif Östman talked about ‘Ontology and Epistemology in Environmental Education – what does it matter?’. Both of them (together with Bill Scott) also engaged in a panel conversation with Elsa Lee on ‘What do social, cultural, political and axiological perspectives do to research in environmental education?’.

During a seminar about methodology SEDwise coordinator Katrien Van Poeck talked about her own ‘research journey as a methodological quest’. The participating doctoral students presented their work and received feedback from the discussants and other students.


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