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Symposium 'Planetary Boundaries' with Johan Rockström

Invitation UGent Symposium

‘Planetary Boundaries: from global challenges to local solutions’

22 March 2018 at 7 p.m.
at Campus Coupure, Coupure Links 653, Ghent

An evening with inspiring talks from scientists who travelled on the road between ‘Planetary Boundaries’ and ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ towards feasible local solutions. Keynotes by Johan Bouma, Eric Davidson and Johan Rockström (honorary doctor at UGent) and reflections by stakeholders. Debate moderator will be Tina De Gendt.


7.00 p.m. : Introduction
- Prof. Dr. ir. Marc Van Meirvenne, Dean of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering

7.05 p.m. : Traveling the rocky road from lofty global goals to local implementation
- Prof. Dr. ir. Johan Bouma, Wageningen University

7.30 p.m. : Manure happens: Unintended consequences of nourishing over seven billion human omnivores
- Prof. Dr. Eric Davidson, University of Maryland 

7.55 p.m. : Planetary boundaries: a safe operating space for humanity
- Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström, Stockholm Resilience Center 

8.20 p.m. : Reflections by
- Tine Heyse, Alderperson city of Ghent
- ir. Johan Lammerant, Arcadis

8.35 p.m. : Networking reception


Register here before 15 March


Technicum, Campus Ufo, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, T1-Blok1

B-9000 GENT

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