Symposium 'Public Pedagogy & Sustainability Challenges'
From 10-12 January 2018, the members of the ‘Public Pedagogy and Sustainability Challenges’ network gathered in Ghent for a second symposium on the public role of education in the face of sustainability challenges. One of the network’s aims is to develop a theory of public pedagogy with a focus on sustainability issues and to engage in joint research. During the kick-off symposium in March 2017, we took time to get to know and discuss each other’s work. This second meeting focused more systematically on further conceptualising our understanding of public pedagogy, thereby taking the specificity of sustainability issues seriously. We drew inspiration from texts, invited lectures, concrete cases, an excursion, etc. and engaged in further in-depth discussion to take a next step towards a theory of public pedagogy and sustainability issues. Throughout the meeting, we took time to jointly identify and describe key concepts on public pedagogy and sustainability issues and to develop a shared vocabulary on the network’s topic. Furthermore, we identified essential research challenges that offer us a basis for further interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration.
Read more about this event in the report and download the presentations below.