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Workshops sustainability education in Cuenca, Ecuador

From 13-15 February 2019, SEDwise partners Katrien Van Poeck and Leif Östman gave lectures and workshops on sustainability education at the Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE) in Cuenca, Ecuador. The focus was on locally relevant teaching about sustainability issues.

They started with an open lecture for university teachers and students. Katrien Van Poeck started with an introduction on sustainability issues and Leif Östman continued with outlining different approaches to sustainability education and emphasising the importance of locally relevant teaching.

Then, a series of workshops addressed different teaching methods (for example scenario exercises and value clarification exercises) and lectures went into how these methods contribute to diverse learning outcomes and in particular to students' democratic competence.

A LORET-workshop - Locally Relevant Teaching - inspired the UNAE teachers to develop plans for integrating locally relevant real-life sustainability problems in the curriculum of their teacher training programmes.

With a focus on 'teacher move analysis', we organised a workshop on possibilities for didactic research on locally relevant sustainability education.


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