Kick-off meeting SEDwise network
A meeting in Ghent from 1st-3rd June 2016 marked the kick-off of the SEDwise network. The coming five years, this network aims to explore (theoretically) and develop (experimentally) adequate forms of education on complex and contested sustainability issues. Thereby, Ghent University will serve as a 'living lab' in which university teachers in various fields closely collaborate with international sustainability education researchers. Read more about the presentations, field visits, discussions and outcomes of the meeting in the report. The presentations can be downloaded below.
20160601_1_Thomas Block_Welcome at CDO.pdf
20160601_2_Katrien Van Poeck_ITN_The making of.pdf
20160601_3_Katrien Van Poeck_ITN research collaboration.pdf
20160601_4_JL_KVP_TB_Sustainability change agents.pdf
20160601_5_KVP_TB_LÖ_Urban sustainability transitions.pdf
20160602_1_Frederik De Decker_Sustainability and internationalisation.pdf
20160602_2_Katrien Van Poeck_ITN Sustainability education.pdf
20160602_3_Michiel Dehaene_Jokerweek.pdf
20160602_4_Brent Bleys_Sustainability education in Business Administration.pdf
20160602_5_Thomas Block_Two CDO courses.pdf
20160603_01_Riet Van de Velde_green office.pdf
20160603_02_Guillaume Tuytschaever_community service learning.pdf
20160603_03_Erik Paredis_Transition studies.pdf
Report kick-off meeting ITN.pdf