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Workshops and seminars on sustainability in business and economics education

From 6-9 February 2018, Dr. Pernilla Andersson, senior lecturer at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Education at Stockholm University, visited Ghent University. SEDwise organised a number of lectures, seminars and workshops on her research on sustainability in economics education.

Pernilla presented and discussed her research paper on ‘Equipped for responsibility in light of uncertainty and complexity? Studies of business education for sustainabilityat the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. The aim of this seminar was to offer inspiration for the on-going project of further integrating sustainability in all the educational programmes at this faculty.

She also gave a methodological workshop about empirical investigations on sustainability in economics education, attended by researchers of the Centre for Sustainable Development as well as master students that investigate the integration of sustainability in the curriculum of the master programme Business Economics.

Finally, SEDwise collaborated with Ecocampus and the sustainability education consultation platform of the Flemish government to organise a workshop on ‘Developing business education for sustainability – change and scope for subjectivity in educational practice’ for (university) teachers in economics education.


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