Dr. Kasper Ampe
As a postdoc at the Department of Political Sciences, I am currently involved in two Horizon Europe projects in which the Centre for Sustainability Studies is collaborating with the Laboratory for Chemical Technology. The SUNER-C project focusses on technologies for the production of sustainable fuels and chemicals for the steel and petrochemical industries. The team and I first identified socio-technical concerns related to sustainable fuels and chemicals, and we're currently investigating how actors such as engineers, social scientists and NGOs perceive their own (integrative) role in addressing socio-technical concerns. The eLECTRO project deals with the pyrolysis of plastic waste and the subsequent electrified cracking of pyrolysis oil into polyolefins (i.e. chemical recycling). Here, I analyse how chemical engineers understand socio-technical integration by focussing on their daily decisions and practices, which is in line with my current efforts in SUNER-C. Along these lines, from 2025-2027, I will work on prof. Goeminne's project on socio-technical collaboration, particularly analysing chemical engineers' capacity to address societal concerns that pervade their daily work, as well as ways to increase this capacity.
Additionally, I am an alumni of the international and transdisciplinary Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership, and I'm a teaching assistant on a policy analysis course, where students apply the principles of critical policy analysis through case study research.
Previously, I was a policy-oriented researcher at HIVA-KU Leuven, focussing on the politics of policy, labour, just transition and circular economy (2020-2022). From 2016 to 2020, I carried out Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD research on politics, wastewater and the circular economy at Delft University of Technology and Ghent University. Prior to that, I worked as a shop manager in a social enterprise focussing on labour market insertion and second-hand shops (2014-2016) and completed two master's degrees (international politics and conflict and development in the Global South).